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Owned and Maintained by Bjarne B.
LA1ASK, opperatører er medlemmer i FBK. Du må være radioamatør for å benytte stasjonen. Den gamle Telefunkensenderen og Marconisenderen. Åpent hver søndag fra kl. Besøktsadresse er Grensedalen 59, 5306 Erdal, Askøy. The Marconi transmitter of 1 kW is also from the mid-30s.
The major change currently is of course the move from my old ISP-addressed home page to www. net? Well, as those of you who have visited this page before might have an inkling, I have a certain fondness for a defunct battery tape recorder manufacturer called Butoba. And after reading in a Butoba sales brochure how their machines could be useful .
Det som skjedde i går, er historie i dag. Andre bøker utgitt av historielaget. Den gamle nettbutikken er avsluttet grunnen en stor feil i programvaren. Vi har nå gått over til å benytte nettbutikken som er bygget inn i web-hotellet One. Den nye nettbutikken vil derfor være litt til og fra i påsken. Velkommen til oss for å bestille bøker.
This web site is a tribute to the finest brand of electronic products in kit form through all times. It is possible that some information on this web site is incorrect. However, the intention is that all of its content should be correct. Are registered trademarks of Heath Company Inc. This web site is made with. To the top of the page.
Welcome to my collection of vintage audio equipment. Here you can find pictures and information about some of the objects in my collection. I am thankful for any information that could help me to complete this page. If you want to use material from this site, please, contact me first. Thanks to Maria for helping me with this site.
Ella EL34 med 2 X PS. Kom i kontakt med Lyden Av Musikk. Mitt mål innen gjengivelse av lyd, er å oppnå god lyd for et relativt beskjedent beløp. Innen visse kretser er det viktigst å kunne smykke seg med dyre anlegg fra de rette merkene. Disse anleggene er helt sikkert gode, og jeg ønsker ikke å latterliggjøre dem som bruker pengene på denne. Måten, men det finnes billigere. Start med å melde deg inn på.
Tervetuloa Suomen Radiohistoriallisen Seuran sivuille! SRHS kerää, tutkii ja tallentaa. Radiohistoriallista esineistöä ja tietoa yksittäisistä komponenteista laitekokonaisuuksiin, lehtien irtonumeroista kirjoihin ja ohjelmanauhoitteista henkilöhaastatteluihin, siis kaikkea sellaista, mikä kuuluu radion satavuotiseen historiaan. Keräilijöitä ja museoita sekä julkaisee tutkimustuloksia ja jäsenlehteä sekä ylläpitää kattavaa tietokantaa.
At North Richland Hills Farmers Market, the customer comes first. We take pride in offering the finest customer service to match our freshest produce. The Benefits of shopping at the Farmers Market is you will be buying the Freshest, Highest Quality and premium grade and Products brought in daily. We carry produce year around based on the season availability.
Through the generosity of our donors, Norman Regional Health Foundation enhances excellent health care. The Foundation supports the life-saving work of Norman Regional Health System by advancing patient programs, awarding educational scholarships to students in a health-system related field and supporting community initiatives. Your special gifts are an investment in the health and vitality of the communities we serve.
Best Glass in North Richland Hills, Texas. If you need glass services in the North Richland Hills, Texas area, visit us at North Richland Hills Glass. We have the expertise, reliable customer service and quality glass services you want. North Richland Hills Glass has been in business for 12 years in the North Richland Hills, Texas area. With 30 years of experience, our customers trust us for our high quality, affordable glass products and services.
NRHH Nomination forms for Spring 2007 are now available online. Please go to the Membership Selection page under the Membership menu. If you have any questions, please contact Amanda E. The nomination form is due to Amanda on Thursday, March 1, by midnight.
NRHH Homepage - National Residence Hall Honorary. Check us out on LinkedIn! The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh NRHH members. Would like to welcome you to our website. Please, take some time and have a look around, find out what kind of things are happening in the residence halls, or find out something about NRHH itself. The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Where Excellence and Opportunity Meet.